Does Being Overweight Lead To Diabetes?

Diabetes According to statistics from the National Institutes of Health, over 65 percent of American adults are either obese or overweight. Meanwhile, the American Diabetes Associates estimates that approximately 21 million people are suffering from Type 2 diabetes while 54 million have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, a condition in which fasting blood glucose levels are elevated. Over the years, the rate of obesity has been climbing steadily. To make matters worse, the incidence of diabetes is likewise soaring in correlation with the increase in obesity cases. This is an indication of the strong link between obesity and diabetes.

The connection between obesity and diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition associated with insulin resistance. Obesity is regarded as the most critical factor in the development of insulin resistance. Insulin is an integral hormone that delivers glucose (sugar) to the cells in the body. In an overweight individual, the cells develop insensitivity to the insulin released from the pancreas. If a person's fat cells outnumber muscle cells, then the insulin becomes generally ineffective. When this occurs, the cells in the body are unable to take more glucose to be utilized as energy, causing glucose to continuously circulate the bloodstream.

While Type 2 diabetes has been identified as a disorder caused by impaired glucose metabolism, what is not popularly known is that the medical condition is also characterized impaired fat metabolism. Research has revealed that this is another way that obesity plays a part in the development of the disorder. In this case, when there is an increase in fat mass, the body signals the brain to release more leptin, or hormones that control the body's appetite and metabolic rate. High levels of circulating leptin in the body triggers leptin resistance, which causes free fatty acids to leak out into the pancreas, liver, and heart. Because fat is not meant to be in these organs, this causes adverse effects for the body as it develops inflammation and toxicity.


Managing diabetes through weight loss

As terrible as the statistics may sound, there is still something that can be done to try and reverse the process. The most fundamental way to manage the disorder is by losing weight, obviously. Studies have revealed that shedding a mere 5 to 7 percent of an overweight person's body weight can make a considerable difference. This translates to approximately 7 to 10 lbs for a lot of individuals. People who are already afflicted with diabetes can benefit from losing weight as well. Shedding a moderate amount can significantly minimize the advancement of the disorder.

The American Diabetes Association suggests that individuals with Type 2 diabetes aim for a small but regular weight loss of ½ to 1 pound a week. The group also recommends sticking to a diet that provides a minimum of 1,000 - 1,200 kcal/day for women and 1,200 - 1,600 kcal/day for men. When starting an exercise regimen, overweight people should adhere to the program and make it their chief goal to achieve even the minimum recommendations provided by the American Diabetes Association.


The primary components of a good workout include flexibility exercises, cardiovascular training, and resistance training. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, as fitness is gained, the intensity of the exercises, the frequency, and the duration should be increased as well. When engaging in exercises, obese and diabetic individuals must be completely aware of their body. They also need to know when it is safe for them to exercise. This means that they need to regularly check their glucose levels before and after exercise so that they can gain understanding of how their glucose responds to their workout.

When it comes to using the weight loss approach to regulate weight, faster results are always an advantage. The chief reason is that once an individual arrives at his ideal weight, he can protect himself from weight-related issues that cause harm to his overall health. One way to attain faster weight loss results is by supplementing proper diet and exercise with Garcinia Cambogia Extract HCA, which has been proven to help in regulating cravings and assist the body with its weight reduction process. By implementing a weight loss program designed to cope with two major illnesses, affected individuals can still improve their condition and live healthier lives.